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March: Hat & Rabbit Meet-Up

When: 5PM at Browsers / 7PM at Shoeless Joe's Sports Grill - 3200 Dufferin
Shoeless Joe's Sports Grill - 3200 Dufferin

From 5:00 pm until 6PM we will be gathering at Browsers after that, we will head over to the "upstairs" space at Shoeless Joe's for food, drink chat and MAGIC JAMS! Bring your cards, coins, silks, ropes or whatever you use. Share a trick, routine, move, or a story!
And if you have any magician friends who aren't members who are curious about the club, invite them! Happy to have non-members sit in and learn what the club is about. 

February 15

"The Quiet Masters - The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist." A special screening with Kenrick β€œIce” McDonald in person

March 21

Annual General Meeting 2024